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Birla Super OPC 53

Brand: Ultratech Cement

Birla Super OPC 53

Brand: Ultratech Cement

Product information
Birla Super Ordinary Portland Cement 53 is among the most commonly used cement variants in general concrete construction work. Birla Super OPC is used where high early strength and fast setting is required. It can be either used on its own or blended with mineral admixtures, such as fly ash and GGBS at construction sites, using the high efficient mixture as per requirement.

  • High early strength
  • Faster de-shuttering of formwork
  • Increases speed of construction

  • Construction of high-rise buildings, roads, dams, bridges and flyovers
  • Grouts and mortars
  • Construction of residential and industrial complexes, specially where speed of construction is fast & quick de-shuttering are required
  • Construction of pre-cast items such as blocks, tiles and pipes
  • Asbestos products such as sheets and pipes
  • Pre-stressed concrete girders
  • Ready mix concrete plants

Item details
Brand name
Birla Super
Type of cement
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

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